

Hello! So glad you are visiting my website. I am a wife, mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, and creative person. I have always loved making things my entire life. When I was a little girl I loved paper dolls and watching my talented parents in their artistic pursuits. My father was an abstract painter and my mother did all sorts of handiwork including crocheting and embroidery. It is no wonder I also love to make jewelry, cards, and collect scrapbooking supplies. I recently retired after teaching school for over 20 years. I loved teaching everyday. My hope is to continue teaching using this online platform instead of traveleing to a school building and teaching for 50 minutes at a time. Feel free to contact me with any questions about jewelry making, being a mom, housewife and spouse. I do not cook because I come from a long line of non-cooking women. We just have other ways of spending our time! Have a look around and enjoy!

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